A Talibanic Offshoot!
“Destroy the language, if you want to
destroy a race”, said Socrates. Sanskrit
was intended to do exactly that.
Sanskrit was created with the intention
of regaining and retaining the lost identity of Aryans during the sub-Buddhist
era. If it has remained just like that we would have no grievance against it.
But, the promoters of the language had, during the earlier NDA period,
introduced it as an optional subject in the Central Schools. Sanskrit news broadcast is encouraged and for
that purpose the tax paid by the people of all languages are used. To cap it
all, the propagandists are going to the extent of performing a “Talibanism” to
suppress historical facts by claiming that this later-day-language is the
mother of all other Indian languages. It is there where they have chosen to rub
shoulders on the wrong side. It is, therefore, felt necessary that the
Talibanic mentality of the promoters of Sanskrit must be exposed.
That there exist in India, even at present, two linguistic–groups , (one the Dravidian and the other the Indo- Aryan) cannot be disputed. The striking similarity between the Indo- Aryan and European language in the basic vocabulary is a pointer to the fact that the Indo-Aryan language came from outside. In short, it is one of the many solid evidences proving the arrival of Aryans in the Indian scene from somewhere else. Until then, the Dravidians were living with their own Dravidian language throughout the length and breadth of the sub-continent. The evidence; “It is surmised not incorrectly that all the languages of India could be traced to one original family of language, and this family cannot be Indo- Germanic (Indo- Aryan) as is assumed, but native to the soil having its birth in Neolithic times, if not earlier. This is certainly true if we make a comparative study of the North- Indian and South- Indian vernacular dialects, for, in both, we see the same fundamental grammatical structures” (V. R. Ramakrishna Dikshidar-Pre- historic South India- Page 179). “These facts can only prove that people speaking dialects allied to Tamil once inhabited the whole of India” (P.T.Srinivasa Iyengar-the History of Tamils page 2).
When the Aryans thus came here, they came with their own language. “Long before they entered India, the Vedic Aryans must have started producing prayers and songs (mantras) relating to their religion” (R. N. Dandekar- Records of Civilizations, Sources of Indian Tradition-Oxford-page 7). Their language is to be called as Vedic language and not Vedic Sanskrit. The term Vedic Sanskrit is a total misnomer. The word Sanskrit had been coined for the first time only in the 6th century BC. "Classical Sanskrit replaced the Vedic language for all practical purposes in later times even in the composition of books on law and religion” (Bharatarathna Bagwandas- the Cultural Heritage of India- By the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture-Vol IV-page 9).
Owing to the wide prevalence of the union of Aryan males with non-Aryan females, the speech (as well as the social and religious life) of the Aryan people began to be modified very early on Indian soil”. There took place “the borrowing of the cerebral consonantal sounds from non- Aryan speech” (Dinesh Chandra Sirkar-ibid-page108). The Dravidian languages exerted a definite influence on Aryan languages when the Aryans first set foot on Indian soil in making them adopt cacuminal sounds”(Otto Jefferson-Language-page2) And the non- Aryans of North India too, when got mixed up with the Aryans, subjected the sounds of the Aryan tongue to various modifications suited to their own vocal tendencies and habits of speech. The result was that both the Vedic language of Vedic Aryans and the Northern Dravidian language of these non-Aryans lost their originalities and there emerged Prakrits, “the admixture of Aryan and Dravidian words based on Dravidian grammar.”
Sanskrit – a later day artificial
But, Sanskrit was given shape out of
Prakrits at a later date. “Prakrit means ‘previously created’ and Sanskrit
means ‘perfectly created’. (Devaneya Paavaanar ) Thus the very name Sanskrit implies its posteriority
to Prakrits in origin.” Sanskrit was a child of necessity. There was a time
when the Aryans felt the need for resurrecting their Vedic language to regain
and retain their lost but original identity. (The circumstances, which compelled and impelled them in this
direction, make quite an interesting study but it is beyond the scope of this
article). So, they formulated a language. But, they met with only a partial
success in their mission. And the language thus created was named as the
‘Perfectly Created one’ (Sanskrit). It was only after naming their new language
thus, the already existing Northern Dravidian languages were collectively
styled by them as the ‘Previously Created Ones’ (Prakrits).
is appropriate, at this juncture to analyse Pali, the then largely spoken form
of Prakrits:
The short ‘e’ and ‘o’ found in the present day Dravidian language were
indispensable in Pali too. But they are absent in Sanskrit. If Pali was,
posterior to Sanskrit in origin, it would imply that these two sounds were
later additions to the earlier born Pali. If so, there can be no reason why
these sounds are absent in the present day North Indian languages also.
Moreover, it would need explanation for the similarity between Tamil and Pali
in this regard?
(2) There is only one sibilant (“cha”
varga) in Pali as it is in Tamil. The same letter acquires three different
sounds, i.e., cha, sa, and ja according to its placement in a word. There are
simple phonetic formulae to explain them. The letter ‘Ka’ in ‘Kattil’ is
pronounced as ‘Ka’, while in ‘Thaham’ (when preceded by another consonant-
uyirmey) it is pronounced as ‘ha’ and in ‘Thangam’ (when preceded by its
affiliate mey ‘ng’) it is pronounced as ‘ga’. Similar is the case with the
other five plosives too. If Pali was posterior to Sanskrit, how come it did not
take in to its fold all the three varga- letters of sibilants found in
Sanskrit? This is one of the many vital questions which the grammarians on
Sanskrit always evade answering.
(3) The process of universal -
modification of the basic consonant at the end of a word (nilaimozhi eeru) in
accordance with the first letter of the following word is found (varumozhi
mudhal) in Pali and Tamil. But, such process is absolutely foreign to Sanskrit
as well as the current Northern languages. If the period of Prakrits was in
between the periods of Sanskrit and the present- day North- Indian languages,
how could such a phenomenon have emerged and subsided in the languages of an
intermediary period only?
(4) The nature of words in Pali is that
they end with basic Nasals or Fricatives only as it is obtaining in Tamil. But,
in Sanskrit, the words end with basic Plosives also. If Pali is posterior to
Sanskrit why should and how could Pali renounce this vital aspect of Sanskrit
while branching out of that language?
(5) There are only two numbers
–Singular and Plural – in Pali and Tamil. But, Sanskrit has the additional
‘Dual ‘, which is of no sensible practical use. The present day North- Indian
languages also do not have this ‘Dual’. The reason is that the people who
resurrected their Vedic language could not make this phenomenon a popular one
that this aspect remained only with Sanskrit and was not absorbed in to the
fold of even the north Indian languages, which are based on Dravidian syntax
with a lot of Aryan words interspersed.
Tamil – the donor of alphabet system to
These are just some of the many
evidences to prove that Prakrits were essentially and pre-eminently Dravidian.
The fact, therefore, is that, as already narrated, the Sanskrit was given shape
out of Prakrits and while the shape was being given, the prime consideration of
the formulators was to resurrect their original Vedic language. But their
original Vedic language did not have scripts. “We have no evidence to show that
the Vedic people had any knowledge of writing (or building cities) as the Indus
Valley people had.” (Surendaranath
Dasgupta -The Cultural Heritage of India – Vol.3 – The Ramakrishna Mission
Institute of Culture). The Vedic Aryans, on their arrival, were surprised
to find that the Indus Valley people were communicating with each other without
speaking or using signs by hand. The written mode of communication was viewed
with wonder and astonishment. Their Vedic language, thereby, lacked certain
essential features of a language and could not be made to stand on its own
legs. So, the Vedic Aryans had to adapt and adopt the scripts, grammar and also
the words from Prakrits. Yet, the resurrection of the Vedic language remained
only a partial success. It was because of this amalgamation and absorption of
Tamil structure, Dravidian (Tamil) influences are, still, far–reaching in the character
of Sanskrit and are held to be responsible for the transformation into its
present (Sanskrit) form of the original Vedic language.
It is Tamil, which is held to be donor
of alphabet system to Sanskrit. Projecting it otherwise is anti-history and
would betray the Talibanic mentality of the vested interests in suppressing the
hoary history of Tamil.
Sanskrit - Never was the language of
the masses.
Another false propaganda of such vested
interests is to portray Sanskrit as if it had been the language of the masses
once. Nothing is further from truth. “Sanskrit, at any given period in history,
had always been the language of the privileged few. Not more than three per
cent of the population spoke Sanskrit. In Kalidasa’s plays, only the King, the
priest and a few others spoke Sanskrit. Everyone else, including the queen,
spoke one form or the other of Prakrits, generally a highly evolved form called
Maharashtri”-(Bharati Sukhatankar-Mirror-
August 1980) Kalidasa’s period was 5th century A. D.
According to the Buddhist scripture
“Sullavakka’, Buddha ordered that his principles should be preached only in the
mother –tongue of the people. He said that the people would not understand if
his message is carried to them in Sanskrit which was not the popular language
of the masses but understood only by a few learned. It proves that during the
period of Buddha too (6th and 5th centuries B.C.,) i.e., roughly 1000 years
prior to the era of Kalidas, Sanskrit had not been the language of the people.
When did that language become a popular one, then? The answer is a definite
This language has achieved one thing
successfully. When the promoters of the language migrated in large scale in the
last millennia beyond their much-cherished Aryavartha, they had found Tamil
being spoken in its pristine glory in the entire peninsular India. They
therefore, set about in an organized, systematic and calculated manner and
converted different dialects of Tamil into different languages. They had thus
created Telugu in the 7th century AD, Kannada in the 9th and Malayalam in the
11th centuries. The uniform pattern of alphabets of these languages would alone
prove that the creation of these languages was the handiwork of certain specified
group of scholars. That was their cleverest action after their permanent
settlement in those areas.
Malayalam, Kannada and Telugu were not
born out of Tamil. Except poets, no linguistic historian claims it to be so.
Because, the fact is that the Tamil language spoken in those areas had just
been converted as different languages by patterning the alphabets on the
structure of Sanskrit with profuse sprinkling of words from Vedic lanaguage, as
mentioned earlier. This is testified to by the very script system of these
three languages. ‘Sapthamanu Darpana’ in Kannada lists out 18 words containing
the letter ‘ழ’. But, these words are no more in use in the
present Kannada. Again, the stone
edicts in Andhra prove that the letter ‘ழ’ had been used in Andhra upto 7th
century BC. Hieun Tsang who visited Tamil Nadu during the period of Pallavas
says that he saw Tamil Nadu after crossing Godhavari. ‘The Annals of Oriental
Research’ published in 1952 by Prof.S. Ramakrishna Sastri of Madras University
contains many facts in this regard. Adopting the doctrine of Socrates, the
Aryans had attempted to be destroy the native language by converting it into
multiple languages as their intention, at that time, was to consolidate their
position after having enslaved the Dravidian race in the field of religion.
They targeted the religion first and the language next.
There is no justification in spending
the public money for the promotion of a language which is of no use to the
society in general except, of course, (1) to the scholars who want to go
through certain literary works which happened to have been made available in it
or (2) to identify the students who opted for Sanskrit and show them
favouritism of various kinds on the sly, like the manner in which only those
who studied Sanskrit were admitted to Medical Colleges in the early 20th
Sanskrit is projected only to promote
the welfare of a particular Varna. Democracy, public welfare, equality, social
harmony are all antithesis to Sanskrit right from the days of its creation in
an artificial manner. The way Talibans indulged in the suppression of truth by
destroying the Buddha statue, the Aryans started propagating that their
artificial later-day creation, i.e., Sanskrit, was the mother of all Indian
languages. Their game of bluff stands exposed by facts that have emerged in
spite of the consistent tendency of Aryans to destroy the vestiges of their
All of Indian civilization is built on an underlying base of Dravidian language and culture.
ReplyDeleteS.A. Tyler " India an Anthropological perspective (1973)
It is one of the best articles that I read recently, which contains many facts. Well wishes!
ReplyDeleteGreat, an indepth insight to the language politics.
ReplyDeleteதம்மிதழ் என்ற தமிழ் மொழியே ஆதி மனிதனின் பேச்சு மொழி என்பது உலக மொழி ஆய்வாளர்கள் ஏற்றுக் கொண்ட ஒன்று ! ஆனால் எழுத்துரு எப்படி எப்போது உருவானது என்பது தான் ஆய்வில் உள்ளது !! தமிழ் ஆதி வரிவடிவம் அய்ந்திரம் உருவான முதல் மொழி என்பது மறுக்க முடியாத உண்மை !!!