Saturday, 19 September 2015
Thursday, 10 September 2015
Caste Census: Census Commissioner played mischief !
The Mischief of the Census Commissioner !
We are told that we do have democracy in India.
Democracy in India means that there would be periodical elections on the basis
of one-man-one-vote system and that everyone would be permitted to vote. And,
that Democracy ends there and there itself. Thereafter, it is an oligarchy that
controls us. That oligarchy has usurped the Bureaucracy for it and taken over
the Media(crazy) too. The Bureaucracy and Media work, in tandem, to ensure that
real democracy does not come into practice in India. One is, therefore, left
with no choice but to fight against them for securing one’s legitimate rights
too. This is the fate of the ordinary Indian citizens for the past 68 years.
The latest fight in the series is the demand of the common man to make the
Census Commissioner perform his duty in releasing the caste-wise census details
without tampering with the data collected.
Villainy by the Census Commissioner

when the High Court of Chennai had, on permitted Caste-Census the Bureaucracy
in the Census Commissioner chose, in his wisdom, to challenge it in the Supreme
Court, without informing the Supreme Court that the caste-wise census was
already on from October 2011 onwards. The puzzle regarding this bureaucratic
mischief remains unsolved till date. It was essential to have caste-wise census
because caste became reality in India and is not permitted to evaporate to
evolve a caste-free society. The social division will continue to exist as long
as the Brahmins manage to retain reservation in priesthood in all the
money-spinning temples, insisting on their theory of supremacy by birth by
reiterating their Chaturvarna concept even in the portals of judiciary and
seeking legal sanction for such policy of apartheid. The Census Commissioner is
to be made accountable to the public, in the context, because he had abused his
bureaucratic advantage and misled the Supreme Court in his affidavit by
suppressing the facts.
Mandal Commission theorised that the Backward
Classes constitute 52% of the entire population of India, on the basis of the
1931 Census. The National Sample Survey Organisation later said that the
percentage was 41%. Caste-census data are, therefore, essential for the public
to know about themselves, in the backdrop of such conflicting conclusions. Such
knowledge would be available to the public, only when the details of
caste-census are placed in public domain. But, when the data have been
collected, the government is hiding the caste-data and releasing only the
socio-economic data. The reason, not given. Sec. 11 of the National Commission
for Backward Classes Act, 1993, says that Periodic revision of lists by the
Central Government is essential. “(1)
The Central Government may at any time, and shall, at the expiration of ten
years from the coming into force of this Act and every succeeding period of ten
years thereafter, undertake revision of the lists with a view to excluding from
such lists those classes who have ceased to be backward classes or for
including in such lists new backward classes.” It, therefore, becomes essential
to go for periodical caste-census. This is in consonance with Art. 341 (2) of
the Constitution which empowers government to remove castes from the list of
beneficiaries of reservation. That being the case, there was no reason for the
Census Commissioner to challenge the verdict of the High Court, Chennai. But,
that bureaucrat did it.
Questionable integrity of the Census Commissioner
The data on religion released by the Census
Commissioner are so ambiguous and mischievous that the media-crazy went to town
to project that the Muslim population was increasing and the Hindu population
was decreasing. The saffron brigades were using this data to foment alarm among
the Hindus against the Muslims in the context of the impending Bihar election.
Earlier, BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj, who had said that
the killer of Mahatma Gandhi was a patriot, exhorted, in January 2015, that the
“Hindu woman must produce at least four children in
order to protect Hindu religion." In February 2015, BJP”’s Sadhvi Prachi said, “A lion doesn't have just one
child. We also need four children in each family. One will fight the enemies on
the border, give one to saints, give another to VHP for social work.”
One has reason to believe
that the release of this unwanted data on religion, at this juncture, is a
follow-up of the reaction of the saffron brigade, in April, 2015 when the data
collected by the PEW Research Center, USA had been released. That Report dated
02.04.2015 projected that the Hindu population would fall from the present
79.5% to 76.7% in the year 2050, while the Muslim population would raise to
18.4% from the present 14.4%. That
report also said that in Kashmir itself, the rate of growth of Hindu population
was more than that of the Muslim population. Besides, the rise of Hindu
population in states like Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka was less than what
was obtaining in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, the report said. But,
the saffron brigade projected only the growth in Muslim population and
attempted to frighten the Hindu populace, to reap political division through
polarisation of the society.
In fact, the overall
increase in population must be the real cause of concern for every responsible
government, to stir it into action to focus attention on population control.
But, this government does not care about it. The intention is to mislead the
people for nefarious purposes. This kind of false and wrong projections is not
new to the Tamil society.
The false propaganda in
Mr. N. Narayanan, the then
President of Brahmins Association of Tamilnadu had exhorted the Brahmins, in
the year 2012, to increase the population strength of the Brahmin
community. He had reasoned out that in India, on many occasions, democracy had
become mobocracy and it had become a number game and that it was a mistake on
the part of the Brahmins to have made their families smaller because of the
call of the then Prime Minister Nehru in the 1960s. "We, the Brahmins,
over-reacted to the call of the Government of India to adopt Family Planning
and adopted the same seriously"(Page 4 to 6 - Thambraas April 2012),
he had said. The Brahmins did not heed to the acharyas of Advaitha, Dwaitha or
Vazhishtathvaidha but accepted family planning methods because of the welfare
of the nation, he added.
But, he had suppressed the
fact that as per the census data of 1931, Brahmins constituted 4.3% of the
population of the entire India. The study conducted by the Centre for Study of
Developing Societies, Delhi in the last decade claimed that the population of
Brahmins was 5.6 crores and it constituted 5% of the total population (Outlook,
June 04, 2007). For more, please visit:
Just five years back, the
same Mr. Narayanan had given interview to The Hindu stating that "The
Brahmin population in Tamil Nadu was 6.75 per cent and it was 16.5 per cent at
national level" (The Hindu 26.10.2010). So, his claim in April 2012
that the Brahmin population had become less and that it happened so because
they considered the welfare of the nation as foremost was a total lie. The
population of Brahmins had, actually, increased, going by his own statistics,
obviously because they had obeyed the religious leaders, as per the theory of
Mr. Narayanan himself.
Procreation for political
Mr. Narayanan had,
however, exhorted all the Brahmins to have minimum of two children per couple
and where the couple were rich enough they must beget three or four children.
He had also said that increase in population strength of Brahmins was essential
for discharging their duty towards their community. And, it so happened that
the leaders of other communities followed suit, later, without applying their
mind, as usual. No leader seems to feel concerned about the consequences the
nation would face, when everybody starts procreating for political purposes, as
exhorted by Mr. Narayanan. False propaganda has been the norm of the
protagonists of Chaturvarna in India from the days of Rig Veda. The Census
Commissioner is now, by releasing the truncated religion-wise data, aiding one
more such false propaganda by the saffron media to incite the Hindus against
the Muslims.
Chinese model of
population control
is, therefore, essential, in national interest, to go for aggressive family
planning campaign, by adhering to the Chinese model, if necessary. Otherwise,
the population explosion in India that consistently proves the Malthusian
theory, would cause not only social problems and serious economic problems, but
would reduce India to become a nation of Slave Labour, with attendant
undesirable consequences.
the Census Commissioner must release, immediately, the Caste-wise data
collected for the SEC Census-2011, without meddling with the facts collected.
By doing so, he will just be discharging his constitutional duty as could be
seen from Art. 341 (2) of the Constitution and Sec. 11 (1) of the NCBC Act,
- Vaeyurutholibangan
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Kannahi asked whether you were a 'Saandron'?
Kannahi the Great, burnt entire Madurai because she knew that the people there did not deserve to live, particularly the educated ones, as they kept quiet and did not raise their voice against unjust action of the people in power. When people constitute a society, they, as individuals, must contribute their mite and ensure that the society does have norms to ensure that there is real justice and fair-play in public life so that innocents do not fall prey to the machinations of the wicked who have acquired power to manipulate the society. When injustice is inflicted on someone, it is the entire society that must be held accountable. That was why she questioned, "Are there educated people here? சான்றோரும் உண்டுகொல்?"
Baaradhiyaar said that he would set fire to the entire world, if a lone individual anywhere, is denied food. "தனியொருவனுக் குணவிலையெனில் ஜகத்தினை அழித்திடுவோம்".
Now, a child on the seashore of Turkey has made the Turkish president ask the same question.
Such things happen only because, the politicians of many countries are crooked that the people of those countries are required to flee those countries and seek refuge in other countries or die. It is the duty of others in those countries, especially those who know facts, to stand up and fight against the atrocities of the rulers of their countries.
Every country can support and feed all its citizenry. But, the problems to the humanity arises only when one group turns wicked and wants to acquire power over the others and, thereby, exploit the later.
Let those 'others' perform their role ordained on them to fight for justice, so that there will be no need for anyone to leave his homeland and seek refuge in another land.
Let other nations also play active role that every nation is governed by transparent law with proper democratic set up. Otherwise, such rogue nations which do not permit real democracy for their people, would pose danger to the other nations too. The reason why the world faces the pangs of conscience now on seeing the body of the child, is just that.
There was an ordinary man who performed his role with whatever power was in his hands, to stop a convoy of military tanks. He went to the middle of the road and lifted his hand to stop them, when those tanks were going to Tiannanmen square to mow down the students of China who were fighting for liberty.
He had performed his role as a Man.
Would we?
Baaradhiyaar said that he would set fire to the entire world, if a lone individual anywhere, is denied food. "தனியொருவனுக் குணவிலையெனில் ஜகத்தினை அழித்திடுவோம்".
Now, a child on the seashore of Turkey has made the Turkish president ask the same question.
Such things happen only because, the politicians of many countries are crooked that the people of those countries are required to flee those countries and seek refuge in other countries or die. It is the duty of others in those countries, especially those who know facts, to stand up and fight against the atrocities of the rulers of their countries.
Every country can support and feed all its citizenry. But, the problems to the humanity arises only when one group turns wicked and wants to acquire power over the others and, thereby, exploit the later.
Let those 'others' perform their role ordained on them to fight for justice, so that there will be no need for anyone to leave his homeland and seek refuge in another land.
Let other nations also play active role that every nation is governed by transparent law with proper democratic set up. Otherwise, such rogue nations which do not permit real democracy for their people, would pose danger to the other nations too. The reason why the world faces the pangs of conscience now on seeing the body of the child, is just that.
There was an ordinary man who performed his role with whatever power was in his hands, to stop a convoy of military tanks. He went to the middle of the road and lifted his hand to stop them, when those tanks were going to Tiannanmen square to mow down the students of China who were fighting for liberty.
He had performed his role as a Man.
Would we?
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