Friday, 31 January 2025

பெரியார் குடந்தை அரசினர் கலைக் கல்லூரியில் 03.09.1945 ல் !



கும்பகோணம் அரசினர் கல்லூரி தமிழ்ப் பேரவையில் "தமிழ்” என்ற தலைப்பில் உரியாற்றுமாறு அக்கல்லூரி பெரியாருக்கு அழைப்பு விடுத்திருந்தது. அதனை ஏற்று பெரியார் 03. 09.1945 அன்று மாலை அங்கு உரையாற்றினார். அப்போது அவர் பேசியவற்றில் சில: 

தற்காலத்  தமிழின் நிலை மிகப்  பரிதாபமாக இருக்கிறது. அரசியல், மதம், வாணிபம் .  ஆகிய எல்லாத் துறைகளிலும் தனது உரிய இடத்தை இழந்து நிற்கிறது. சொந்த நாட்டிலேயே நான்காகப் பிரிந்து கிடக்கிறது. இந்நிலை மாற்றப்படவேண்டும்.


-    ஆசிரியர் குருசாமி நடத்திய புதுவிடுதலை நாளிதழ்– 04.09.1945.




Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Projection of NTK's Simon by the enemies of Tamils and the KGB's method of training its spies !

Mr. Simon alias Seeman declared in public that it was the LTTE which had killed Rajiv Gandhi, which claim the LTTE had never made at any time during the life-time of LTTE supremo V. Prabakaran. (Ref: Deccan Herald 15.10.2019 -

He was thus aiding the anti-Tamil elements in power at the Centre to extend the ban on LTTE for another five years from January, 2019, under sub-sections (1) and (3) of section 3 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (37 of 1967). 

Has he proved that it was the LTTE which had killed Rajiv Gandhi? 


His aim was only to connive against the LTTE by projecting himself as a saviour of the LTTE. 

How did he come to the conclusion that it was the LTTE which had done it, when many Commissions and Courts could not arrive at such a finding?

He has not explained yet to anybody. 

And no action has been taken against him by the Centre for such an 'incendiary" speech, because he was advancing their agenda. He was and is, thus, working for the anti-Tamil elements in the guise of his being an ultra-Tamil. 

This is how spies brainwash the masses and cheat them.

Reference here may be made to the method of training given by the KGB of the then USSR to its spies before setting those spies in action in the field against its own people, who were not favourably disposed towards the party in power there. 

The KGB advises its spies who are employed as teachers to speak ill of the party in power when they are  among the students and identify the students who are attracted by their comments and report the details to the KGB. 

"Whenever you hear an anti-Soviet statement, hint that you might agree. Venture cautious criticism occasionally. You may even make a mildly favourable comment or two about the West. As your reputation spreads, you will attract those who think privately what you suggest openly. This takes time. Never go too far, or you'll frighten the fish away"

- The KGB Trainer of the Spy.
from the Reader's Digest, July 1970.

This was the method of training given in the 1950s by the KGB. 

The consistent behaviour of Seeman for the past 15 years was aimed at balkanising the people of Tamil Nadu in the name of caste to facilitate the chaturvarna fundamentalists to enslave  the Non-Brahmins once again. 

This liar who cheats both the Eelam Tamils and the Tamils of Tamil Nadu with his mutually contradictory and ridiculous claptrap grandiloquence is patronised openly by the enemies of Tamils like Gurumurthy, Rangaraj Pandey and others. 

Anyone who weighs in these facts and the manner in which he was indulging in petty-minded politics projecting Ms. Jayalalitha as a saviour of Eelam Tamils,  could easily figure out  that is only the agent of the enemies of Tamils, all along, for the past 15 years. 

He was helping them to divert the attention of the Tamils from looking at the role of the persons who were indulging in the genocide of Tamils in 2009. 

He would not launch any agitation to make priesthood universal for all castes in all the temples in which Brahmins alone officiate as priests. 

He would call Christians and Muslims as Children of Satan but would not care as to why and how the promise given in 1931 and 1936,  
to all "communities" for "fair share" in services is being denied. 

He would not launch any agitation on the abuse of temples by the priests.

He would not oppose the Sankarachariyar who worked for re-establishing the rigid caste system. On the other hand, he would facilitate the agenda of Sankarachariar by promoting caste system. 

He would not launch any protest against the denial of legitimate share of the Non Brahmins in educational institutions or services.

In India, the spy network has all along been the domain of Brahmins, as had been reserved for themselves by Chanakya.

And that situation continues to this day in the RAW, the Relatives and Associates Wing of the Centre, without any limit. 

 No wonder Gurumurthy who runs the Thug lak, which was started by the self-confessed 'sishya' of Chanakya,  and Rangaraj Pandey, who runs a channel named after the notorious 'Chanakya', promote this traitor of Tamils,  Simon alias Seeman, the pageboy for apartheidists. . 


Sunday, 26 January 2025

Foreigners as Members of Seeman’s outfit and the Nelson’s eye of ECI & MHA !


The Election Commission of India does not care even to ascertain for itself, how many  foreigners are members of the political parties in India.

It does not have any mechanism to monitor this aspect on its own.

It does not care to examine the sensitive issue of having foreigners as members of Indian political parties, even when its attention was drawn to specifics on this aspect.

The Ministry of Home Affairs, which does have a specific FCRA Wing, also does not care about the number of foreigners who are the members of Indian political parties and  the quantum of foreign funds that flow into India for those political parties in India.

Now, the question is whether any and every citizen of India can float a political party in India and indulge in active politics, wheeling and dealing, rabble rousing, etc., by enlisting foreigners of any nation in the world, as members of his political party and collect funds from them for indulging in various kinds of mischief in India, as is being practised by Mr. Seeman in Tamil Nadu.

The sad answer is “Yes”, as could be seen from the irresponsible manner in which the Central Election Commission of India has been responding to the issues raised through the Right to Information Act, 2005.


10.05.2021 - The interview of Mr. Seeman to the Times of India:

During his interview to the Times of India, published on 10.05.2021, Mr Seeman was asked how he managed his election expenditure. He responded to the question stating that “his party is funded by Tamils here, the Tamils who are working in the Middle East, and only Sri Lankan Tamils who are members of my party, contribute”.

Mr. Seeman has made it clear, thus, during that interview, that

(a) he is getting funds from the Sri Lankan Tamils and

(b) that the Sri Lankan Tamils are the members of his party.

Mr. Seeman has, for over a decade, been targeting only the DMK and projecting himself as an ultra-Tamil activist and indulging himself in vitriolic attack against it. He had chosen to maintain silence about the anti-Tamil activities of other political parties or to make a formal protest. 

His main assignment has been to divide the Tamils in the name of caste and to villainise Periyar to placate the Aryan lobby. 

He did not focus the attention of the Tamils on the real villains who conceived and carried out the genocide of Tamils in 2009 on the Eelam soil. That he does not have that calibre for such brain-taxing task,  is beside the point.  But he was trying to shift the blame of the DMK only for such a genocide, when he did not have scrupples to question Jayalalitha about her total and absolute silence during that genocide, pointed to his being an agent of the perpetrators of the genocide who wanted to indulge in that genocide but to shift the blame on the DMK. 

More importantly, he had an army of Eelam Tamils who were promoting Seeman, online, as a redeemer of Tamils and were indulging in vicious attack against the DMK after the 2009 genocide. Offline, they  were collecting and contributing money to Seeman, without being aware fo the fact that he was an anti-Tamil agent appointed in the manner in which KGB recruits its spies. These Eelam Tamils also did not care to know the real group that caused that genocide of Tamils in 2009. It tells poorly of the evaluating capacity of the Eelam Tamils intelligentsia overseas. 

The confession of Seeman to the TOI testifies to the fact that foreigners, the Sri Lankan Tamil,  are funding and running a political party in India, using Mr. Seeman as a proxy or front for their anti-DMK activities on Indian soil. 

It became clear that foreigners are, thus, indulging in active political activities and manipulating and meddling with Indian and, more particularly, Tamil Nadu elections. This fact stands proved without a ray of doubt. Some more facts were, therefore, attempted to be ascertained from the Election Commission of India. The result is given below as the Timeline of events:

28.10.2023 - Application to the Election Commission of India:

The CPIO of the Election Commission of India, New Delhi was, in an application dated 28.10.2023, requested  to furnish the following information under Sec. 6 of the Right to Information Act, 2005:

1.    Kindly supply the information about the quantum of money received from overseas, every year, from the financial year 2016-17 onwards, by the Naam Thamizhar Katchi led by Mr. Seeman.


2.    Kindly supply the copy of report, if any, containing the facts unearthed by the Election Commission of India during its investigation and inquiry about the number of foreigners, Sri Lankan Tamils, who are the members of  the political party, Naam Thamizhar Katchi run by Mr. Seeman.


13.11. 2023 - Reply from the ECI:

The Election Commission responded by saying that it did not have any  information available with it  about the number of foreigners who are  the members of  the Naam Thamizhar Katch run by Mr. Seeman.

In regard to the quantum of funds received from overseas by the political party of Mr. Seeman, the New Delhi office of the Election Commission of India, did not provide the information requesed for but transferred the RTI application to the Chief Electoral Officer of Tamil Nadu at Chennai.

The reply from the Chennai office of the Election Commission was, therefore, awaited. And it came, with a shock. 

17.11.2023 - Reply from the Chief Electoral Officer, Tamil Nadu, Chennai:

His reply dated 17.11.2023 did not provide information either about the quantum of foreign funds or about the number of foreigners who were members of the political party ran by Mr. Seeman. On the other hand, the election office at Chennai had just forwarded the application to the Director General of Police, Chennai directing him to furnish the information requested for.

Bizarre, indeed.

27.12.2023: And, the Director General of Police, Chennai was contacted.

06.03.2024 – Reply from the DGP:

The DGP gave his reply on the expected lines and he was right.  He said,


13.01.2024 – Application to the MHA for information:

Now, the Ministry of Home Affairs (FCRA), New Delhi was contacted for the same information:

16.02.2024 – Reply from the MHA, FCRA Wing:

And the Ministry of Home Affairs, FCRA Wing of the Foreigners Division, replied that it did not have the information with it,  but said that it might be available with the Monitoring Unit:

25.02.2024 – Reply from the MHA, Monitoring Unit:

The Monitoring Unit of the Foreigners II Division of the same Ministry of Home Affairs said that it did not have the information requested for:


Is it not true that the Election Commission of India, has been issuing so many circulars laying stress on the transparency in the matter of party funds, audited annual accounts, among others, as could be seen from its circular dated 29.08.2014, 19.11.2014, 27.04.2015, 21.01.2022, 30.06.2023, etc.,? 

Can the ECI just transfer the application to the DGP and keep quiet? 

One may recall that the FCRA wing of the MHA had closed down the online magazine Newsclick, (which exposed the malpractices of the BJP) and raided its office, in August 2023, alleging that that media-house received Chinese money routed through the United States of America, and used it to propagate political views in India. 

Can such a BJP run government claim lack of knowledge and interest to know even about the size of membership of foreigners in the political party ran by Seeman, just because he was let loose and set on the Tamils in Tamil Nadu by projecting himself as an ultra-Tamil patriot?

Here are the homilies of the Election Commission of India on the funds of political parties:


29.08.2014 – Letter of the ECI to all political parties:

30.06.2023 – Another letter of the ECI to all political parties in India:

Now, the bonafide questions that arise in the minds of the public:

1.           ..    Is it not, then, true that such an Election Commission of India which does have the information about every political party’s funding details evades providing information under a Statute?

2.                Is such an Election Commission of India a responsible one, when it does not even care to know how many foreigners are there as members of an Indian political party?

3.               Is the Ministry of Home Affairs sincere in protecting the interests of the nation, when it does not care about the quantum of membership of foreigners in the Indian political parties, as they contribute funds and thereby play active roles as members of political parties in India?

4.               Or, is the denial of information in this specific case in respect of Naam Thamizhar Katchi deliberate without any care for the law on the subject, because of the fact that the Aryan imperialists who run the Government of India do not care about the number of foreigners in the political outfit run by Mr. Seeman and the quantum of foreign funds received by him, just because he is a spy, planted by them among Tamils to divide the Tamils and thereby to consolidate their Aryan imperialism? 

5.        Is it because that spy is carrying out the assignment given to him in such a manner that it pleases his imperialist Aryan masters?

Because, the way in which Mr. Seeman had been. conducting himself during the past 15 years is just in accordance with the manner in which spies are trained by the KGB, as could be seen from the real life episodes, published in the Reader's Digest, July 1970. 

That spy was a teacher engaged by the KGB to identify the children in the schools who are, in their minds, against the Communist regime that was in power. 

That spy was taught to talk ill of the regime himself to lure those children. 

 Mr. Seeman here was doing just that way to show that he was an ultra-Tamil to lure the Tamil youth and thereby divide the Tamils and diverting their attention away from the anti-Tamil activities of his Aryan masters. 

"Whenever you hear an anti-Soviet statement, hint that you might agree. Venture cautious criticism occasionaly. You may even make a mildly favourable comment or two about the West. As your reputation spreads, you will attract those who think privately what you suggest openly. This takes time. Never go too far, or you'll frighten the fish away"

- The KGB Trainer of the Spy.

(Note: Four more write-ups will follow on the following issues connected with the foreign funds in India:

(1) The discriminatory and vengeful activities of the Aryan fundamentalists at the Centre when it came to foreign donations to Charities in India like the Missionaries of Charity of St. Mother Theresa, which was sadistically informed "On Christmas Day, India's home ministry announced it had not renewed the registration due to "adverse inputs". (BBC -28.12.2021) ("the renewal was refused on December 25 ... " - The Hindu 28.12.2021) . 

(2) The way in which Americans reacted when there was allegation of foreign funding from Russia to Donald Trump in the earlier presidential elections;

(3) The judgment of the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi in Rashtriya Mukti Morcha Vs. UOI on 24.11.2006 and its judgment  in Association for Democratic Reforms Vs. UOI on 28.03.2014 and the amendment to the FCRA  in 2016.

And what's more?

When the West questioned the democratic process invented by the Aryan imperialisis in India post-2014, the "External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar lashed out at the Western media in a recent speech in Hyderabad. Jaishankar said the Western media criticises India not because they lack information but because they think they’re also political players in the country. Jaishankar said that this is about global politics and they feel they need to intrude in India”. - Hindustan Times, 24.04.2024. 

For more on the hypocricy of Mr. Jaishankar, who conspired and played an active role in suppressing the facts of genocide of Tamils in Eelam from coming to light before the UNO, click on the following link:

When Mr. Jaishankar could be so fuming and fretting over foreign meddling in Indian affairs so selectivly, his indifference to the mischievous activities of Mr. Simon alias Seeman, appears only to testify the fact that Mr. Simon alias Seeman is only  a spy who has been planted by the Aryan imperialists to weaken the Tamils. 

Let Tamils beware of the conspiratorial techniques used to be adopted by the Aryans as taught to them by the notorious terrorist Chanakya, who resorted to all crimes to establish Aryan supremacy and whose cavalier techniques were castigated and condemned by even Banabhatta in his work Kaadhamari !