Thursday, 27 February 2025

Linguicide in Tamil Nadu ! Sabotage by the Hindi Terrorists of Railways Department against Tamil Names !!


Hindustan Times of 23.02.2025 reported as follows:

"A viral video showed a group of men applying black paint on the Hindi name while an RPF personnel confronted them and pointed out the lack of permission for their act.

Officials from the Southern Railway's Palakkad Division clarified later that the defaced name was restored. “RPF Pollachi identified the defaulters and registered a case under relevant provisions of the Railways Act and they will be prosecuted. The same was rectified immediately,” the Palghat Division of the Southern Railway said in a social media update."

Times of India 24.02.2025 reported:

"A Southern Railway Palakkad division statement said a group  of men entered Pollachi junction railway station  around 7.20 am and defaced the Hindi lettering on the station name board using black paint.RPF personnel detained the men and registered a case against Thendral Selvaraj, DMK's south district legal wing, and four of his supporters under sections 145 (b) (commits any nuisance or act of indecency or uses abusive or obscene language), 147 ( trespass and refusal to desist from trespass)and 166 (defacing public notices) of Indian Railway Act." 

This news paper published a photo on Palayangottai protest too:

As per Sec. 166 of the Railways Act, 

"If any person without lawful authority,...obliterates or alters any letters or figures upon any ..board, he shall be punishable....."

Indian Express 25.02.2025 published the following photo.

Railway officials have thus taken action against those who 'defaced" Hindi letters.

I. Mischief in Railway Tickets by making Tamil words disappear from them:

But what about the Hindi terrorists in the Railway Department who exhibit their innate hatred against Tamil language every now and then in a consistent  manner and defaced the very Tamil names themselves  and persist with their crimes till date?  How dare they make the beautiful Tamil words just to disappear from the Railway tickets? 

During the Soviet occupation of Latvia (1940-1941 and 1944-1991), the Latvian language and culture, including names, were made subject to Russification policies.

Russians wanted this Latvian monument to be demolished.

In India,

The Hindi fanatics in the Sourthern Railway head office at Chennai have also been demonstrating the same imperialist arrogance in every was and every sphere. They have stealthily and cunningly changed the Tamil word "பூங்கா"  into "பார்க்"   and the word "கோட்டை" into   'போர்ட்" in the Railway Tickets issued by them. Their innate hatred towards Tamil words and language stand proved by this action itself.

The word கோட்டை in Tamil and its transliterated version .फोर्ट  in Hindi were being used by Railways earlier. They are there now too in name boards although attempts were made to change them. They stopped in their misadventure of linguicide because of opposition, but continue to keep their linguicidal propensity alive till date through the Railway tickets.

They stopped changing the word  "கடற்கரை" into  "பீச்", as they  confronted with opposition  to their march of Linguiciide. 

When asked under the RTI Act, 2005, the copy of the file notings in which they had examined the issue and taken the  decision to change the Tamil Names into transliterated English names, they just keep quiet which is yet another unlawful act on the part of these Hindi terrorists, who demonstrate very clearly that they would abuse their position in the power centres to do any kind of act not only to promote their Hindi but also to sabotage Tamil language in its homeland itself. 

They do not want to listen to reason and change their predatory attitude even  when their unlawful activity is taken to their knowledge, through legal notices.Such an imperious arrogance by these Hindi terrorists in the Railway Department is not new to the history of mankind, as we find such attempts at liguicides taking  place in Belgium, Canada, Ireland Catalonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Tadzhikitan, Azerbaijan, Turkmania, Armenia, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Latvia, 

But nothing surpasses the cruelty practised by the Hindi terrorists in the O.L. Department of the Government of India against the other national languages in their respective linguistic homelands in India. They do not care for the rules on the subject. They do not care for the interests of the Non-Hindi people. Cunningness  and mafia-like collaboration between perpetrators of the crime and the abettors occupying higher echelons in the bureaucracy are the hallmark of linguistic terrorism practised by the Hindi fanatics in the Government of India. 

II. Mischief in name boards and signages by avoiding transliteration of Tamil words into Hindi.

They changed the Hindi version of name of the Poonga station into Park in the name boards.

They stopped midway in their mission of changing the name boards thus, as they  confronted with opposition  to their march of Linguiciide. 

III. Hindians' appreciable passion for their mother-tongue: 

All along the Railway department has been writing the name of the ‘சென்னை பூங்கா’ railway station  only as ‘ चेननै पूँग ’ in Hindi and as ‘Chennai Park’ in English. 

There was and is a case for us for the Tamils to demand writing the English name of the Railway Station as ‘Chennai Poonga’ instead of ‘Chennai Park’.  

The Hindians write Cantonment as Dhaavani in Hindi.

The way the name of the railway station “हाथ रस किला” is written only as ‘Hathras Killa’ in English is relevant to be cited here. 

किला in Hindi means Fort, கோட்டை. 

IV.  Passion for a never-alive-Sanskrit in Dehradun and hatred towards Urdu:

Urdu replaced by Sanskrit word Dehradunam in Uttarkhand. Sanskrit is now treated as the second official language of that State.

It shows the names of places which are Proper Nouns are not translated but are pronounced as per the native names only besides being transliterated as such too.

What is applicable to Hathras Killa is applicable to Chennai Poonga and Chennai Kottai too.

The manner in which the Hindi wing officials of the Southern Railway are behaving seems to be the proverbial last straw. They do not only disregard the importance of honouring Tamil in Tamilnadu , which is the traditional homeland of Tamils, but also denigrate Tamil by sneaking in their Hindi on the sly to replace the chaste Tamil words in the signages bearing the names of the Railway Stations. History testifies to the fact that only invaders used to change the names of places in the conquered nations, without caring for the aspirations of the natives. The officials of the Hindi wing of the Southern Railway behave just that way.

Are these Railway Officials not to be prosecuted for their sabotaging activity against Tamil language itself, when the Railways department takes action to prosecute the Tamils who just defaced the Hindi letters in the name boards? 

Among many, Para 2 of the Official Language Resolution, 1968 reads:

“Whereas the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution specifies 14 major languages of India besides Hindi, and it is necessary in the interest of the educational and cultural advancement of the country that concerted measures should be taken for the full development of these languages”.

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