Monday, 17 February 2025

Arthasastra, the time-tested Toolkit for the Aryan State Terrorists!


Funny Sanghis!

It is they who balkanise  the society. It is they who subscribes to the Chaturvarna ideology which is, actually,  a terrorist ideology. Chanakya has advised his descendants, "In order to protect the institutions of the four castes, such measures as are treated of in secret sciences shall be applied against the wicked" (Book XIV - Secret Means - Chapter I - Arthasastra). The wicked Chanakya called as 'wicked' all those who opposed chaturvarna system.

It is that wicked ideology which divides the people into four majoor heads and many minor heads, and upholds the Brahmin supremacist theory. Chanakya used temples also as places to lure and assassinate kings.

Chanakya's Arthasastra is the Toolkit for terrorist and State Terrorist.

His repulsive and wicked character has been castigated by Banabhatta himself in his Kadambari.

Yet his image has been given prime of place in the new Parliament house making public the intention of the sanghis that they are State Terrorists.

Every action of the BJP confirms that the methods of State Terrorism codified by the terrorist Chanakya is being unleashed by the Nagpur outfit.

Yet, Mohan Bagavat pretends innocence and quotes scriptures.

His says,

"'Tool kits' that incite violence are activated and mutual suspicion and hatred are further intensified. All those who seek and favour harmony in society need to be wary of these nefarious games," Times of India – 25.10.2023).

The fact is that it is the RSS which is the terrorist outfit whose nefarious games the nation should be wary of.

Mohan Bagavat should, if he has been reformed, come forward to make the people of all castes priests at all levels in all the temples in which Brahmins alone officiate as priests.

That will be the first step towards making India a really civilised society.

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